Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This weeks Stamp Camp was a hoot!

Here's a few cards from both this weekend's Stamp Camps. Monroe and Seattle. The Seattle Camp was a total zone of coolness right down to the music! For those crazy girls thanks for a fun day. Emily, Heather, Amy, Lindsey, Lauren, Katie, Katy, Marisa and Erica! Talk about a bunch of creative people in one room. Katy and Heather revamped my beach card with a Northwest twist. I was so impressed. I'm going to steal their idea and make one up to show you what they did later this week. And Emily our personal tornado.... what can we say about her creative bent? Except... that it was bent! :) I may have to make a version of her card to show with a public disclaimer! Stay tuned for that.

Enjoy the set and let me know if you're ready for our Father's day theme Stamp Camp in June. A few spaces are available still.

1 comment:

  1. I la-la-LOVED stamp camp!!! Such fun, such food, such silliness! (Remember, I shot the stamp pad ACROSS the entire room...and I wheezy laughed and couldn't work for a good 5 minutes...yeah!) My cards are DARLING...they are off to China. Thank you for a GREAT time!
